Fred Strahley

Senior Inspector
Licensed, Bonded, Insured

More than 15 years of Home Inspection experience

Over 10 thousand inspections

On the approved Home Inspectors List for Federal Law Enforcement Inspections for five of the current six Assistant Directors of the FBI inspections for all of former Secretary of State Madeleine Albrights Security Detail including her Chief of Security

Hundreds of inspections for DEA, ATF, CIA, NSA, State Department Security, Secret Service and FBI agents

Inspection for actor Robert Duval prior to his purchase of the Rail Stop Restaurant

Inspection for the Congressional Black Caucus prior to the purchase of the their new headquarters in Washington, D. C.

More than thirty years of construction experience

Former high-end custom builder in Virginia

Accredited by the Loudoun County Circuit Court as an Expert in Home Inspection
Many inspections for senior realtors on their personal home purchases 

I arrive on time in a white shirt and tie, presenting a professional appearance.  I present a thorough timely, inspection,with experienced insight into questions and concerns of a potential buyer.  I know only one way to inspect a home.

I look at every house as if I were buying it.  I give people the insight they need to feel safe in making the largest purchase of their lives. Service after the inspection: I leave the purchaser my personal voice-mail number.  If they have questions about their house six months or a year down the road, they have someone to ask besides the oldest guy at the hardware store.